I like writing things, which you really should have figured out by now seeing as you’re reading a blog that I created and continuously write for on top of my other school (and real job) work. Because I like writing things, and because the world is filled with people who don’t like writing things but do like reading things, I’ve written a few things for other people and for specific publications. Below you can find links to that kind of my writing.
2020 - 2022
I went to law school. I sure did write a lot, but I didn’t try to publish any of it, because publishing as a law student brings no prestige!
- Know the Facts and Know Your Rights
- Choose Quality
- Texas Prosecutor Website
- The Cost of Free Speech
- Robots are Coming For Our Jobs. Thank God.
- Perry Link Interview: The Life and Ideas of Liu Xiaobo
- Gente-fication: The Changing Face of Urban Development
- Japan-U.S. Relations in the Changing World
- 5 Take-aways from Global Health Diplomacy
- Investment and Risk in Energy Transport
- Southern Methodist Springtime
- Thanks, Chief Justice Earl
- Something I Will Never Forget