Student loans are notorious for causing financial ruin, so this summer I wanted to make sure my finances were completely ready for the next stages of adulthood. Ramit Sethi’s book came highly recommended, and, having read it, I think I would extend that recommendation to anyone younger than 40 looking to learn about healthy money practices. Sethi packs a wealth of helpful knowledge into this book, with very clear action items at the end of every chapter that caused me to open a Roth IRA, fund it, and make a very clear budget for my student loans. However, I give this recommendation with a caveat: although the cover of Sethi’s book claims “no guilt,” Sethi is constantly putting down both the reader, and other people in various positions of financial distress. The resulting experience is a painful one, as the reader has to trudge through Sethi’s various insults and attempted witty remarks in order to find the golden advice hidden within. So, although this book is very useful, it is not particularly enjoyable. Nevertheless, it is effective at positively affecting people’s finances, and so it is worth the time, and the money.